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Following the survey completion, the architectural design process can begin. There are a number of design phases that progressively become more detailed as the project moves through key stages.

The 1st stage in this journey is the Concept Design phase, which explores your ideas and our advice together in context with the survey model. Concept layouts are then produced for discussion and adjustment (if required), for your approval before moving it  
on for further development.

The 2nd stage is effectively the development of the approved Concept Design, for the purpose of submitting an application for Planning Permission. This stage is known as the Detailed Design.
However, if the design has been developed within permitted development guidelines and the property is not under any other planning limitation, planning permission will not be necessary, meaning you can progress to the next stage avoiding bureaucratic red tape and ultimately closer to beginning to discuss the project with building contractors.

The 3rd stage involves applying much more detail about the construction in terms of specification and dimensions and is known as the Technical Design. This phase frequently involves collaboration with a structural engineer and possibly other specialist design input, for the purposes of submitting a Building Regulations application or Building Notice, especially if you wished to start work on site sooner.

There is a 4th stage, but it’s not always necessary to progress to this level of detail, unless bespoke, unique elements of the project require much more specific information for its fabrication, scheduling or setting-out on site. This is commonly known as Production Information or Working Drawings

STEVE: 07931 906057

DOM:  07800 556505


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